Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Nottingham Lights install (test)

Last night Duncan and I tested the programming of the lights under the tram bridge outside Nottingham railway Station. We tested the lighting responding to trams movement overhead.  Apart from the visual spectacle it was exciting to experience the dovetailing of sound, visuals and movement.

We also tested the projection of poems. I am grateful to Andrew Motion, John Hegley and Jake Bugg for giving us permission to use their terrific words. Testing will recommence in two weeks time.

Massive thanks to Duncan Turner, Sharon Scaniglia and Nottingham City Council.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Nottingham Trent Street Lighting test

Most of the responsive LED lights along Trent Street in Nottingham have been installed by Duncan now. These lights under the overhang of the tram line in Nottingham respond to tram movement above. The 80m of lights connect the responsive lights under the tram bridge to the canal arch coloured lighting and gobo projection. More photographs of those areas to follow. The piece is due to be launched in September.

Faber and Faber are currently considering giving permission to use Ted Hughes poems as part of the 365 projected poems.

Massive thanks to Duncan Turner, Sharon Scaniglia and Nottingham City Council.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Interactive 3d text sample

I have completed another in the series of interactive wall samples. I have developed some three dimensional text which appears and breaks up according to the viewers movement in front of the wall (sample).

I have used sonic sensors again and these are programmed to respond to people when they reach .5m from the wall.

This image shows four stages of the words forming from an abstract beginning. The letters are individually responsive.

Many thanks to Matt Little.

Projected poetry in Nottingham

Installation is due this coming Monday on Station Street bridge, Trent Street soffit and canal arch. All the poems have now been drawn to provide a poem for each night of the year selected randomly by the projector. Here are some more images from the model.

Thanks to Duncan Turner, Sharon Scaniglia and Nottingham City Council.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Projected poetry in Nottingham

Yesterday the Dylan Thomas Centre and David Higham Associates (who control the Dylan Thomas copyright) kindly gave us permission to use 10 of Dylan Thomas' lines to be part of the collection of 365 poems to be projected randomly, one a night, on the railway/tram bridge wall outside Nottingham railway station on Station Street.

Of the 10 lines I chose, my absolute favourite line of his is:

Drunk as a vineyard snail

Most of the poems have all been drawn now and the projectors raspberry pi is being programmed next week.

Massive thanks to Duncan Turner, Sharon Scaniglia, Nottingham City Council, Dylan Thomas Centre and David Higham.

I have been further testing the poems on my model.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Projected poetry in Nottingham

The installation of the lighting piece for Nottingham starts on June 20th. Last night in my studio I mocked up a few poetry projections to get a feel for the poems that will randomly be selected each night for people to enjoy. 

We have now received a line from Jake Bugg, Roger McGough and John Hegley has written a site specific piece.

Many thanks to Duncan Turner, Sharon Scaniglia, Nottingham City Council and all the poets, writers and organisations who have submitted work and given permission to use these words.